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To build a solar system, you need to size together all of its components right. At A1 SolarStore you can get a complete solar system where all the parts are already selected by our engineers. We offer systems of a different design: a 10kw solar kit can be a great energy solution for your home or a business.
Switching to solar is a serious matter and lots of concerning points pop up along the way. Here are some of the questions that we’ve received from our readers and customers.
The production of your system can be heavily influenced by external factors like weather, shading and positioning of your panels. Besides, different regions get different amounts of sunlight per day. For instance, a system in San Francisco gives you more energy than the same installation would in New York. You can get an approximate number for how much does a 10kw solar system produce daily by multiplying the capacity in kW by the number of peak sun hours in your area. For instance, the average number of peak sun hours in California throughout the year is 5.6. Thus a 10 kW system makes around 10 kW × 5.6 hours = 56 kW per day. Keep in mind that in summer panels produce around 50% more energy than in winter.
The number of PV modules in your system may vary depending on their wattage and size. For instance, you can build a 10 kW installation with thirty four-thirty five 300W panels or you get by with twenty 500W panels, if they are available. Generally, panels that are 300W to 380W in power capacity have 60/120 cells. These are smaller and they are more popular in residential rooftop installations. Panels that are over 400W in capacity have 72/144 cells or more. They are larger and harder to fit on a roof, that’s why they are more popular in ground-based installations.
An interesting option to consider are bifacial panels: they provide up to 33% more production from a single panel with an active rear side. The bifacial gain depends on reflectivity of a surface and it’s important to install these panels correctly.
You have to take a lot of things into account when you try to estimate the expenses that your system requires. The panels that you’ll choose, the type of inverter, additional equipment, like controllers and batteries, type of installation, solar incentives that are available to you — all this impacts the final 10kw solar system kit price. Let’s briefly go over the most important points.
Solar panels greatly vary in price, efficiency, temperature behavior and warranties that they come with. The cheapest PV modules come from China. North American brands, like Canadian Solar, Silfab and Mission Solar, offer more expensive products but of a higher quality. The most advanced panels come from brands like REC, Panasonic, LG, but going for them may significantly increase your 10kw solar system cost.
Inverter is the most fragile and complex part of a solar system so it’s better to pick a good one from the start. You can choose a standard string inverter for your 10 kw solar kit or you can pick microinverters instead. They are more efficient and their monitoring capabilities are more precise, but they cost more as well. You need an off-grid inverter for an off-grid configuration or a hybrid inverter for a hybrid system, which is typically more advanced and expensive.
The way you’ll want your panel system to be constructed also matters. Ground-based installations are typically cheaper to install than rooftop ones. Grid-tie 10kw solar kit is the cheapest option: all you need are panels and inverter. Hybrid systems are slightly more expensive because they require a hybrid inverter which may or may not have a built-in energy storage. Hybrid systems sometimes pay off quicker because a battery allows you to avoid peak electricity rates of your utility. An off-grid 10kw solar system with batteries is often the most expensive option. Batteries are pricey by themselves and you need a larger energy capacity than with a hybrid system to ensure the energy autonomy of your house. Generally, you want your energy storage in a 10kw off grid solar system kit to have enough capacity to power your home for at least one day without the support of the panels. 10 kW of solar power is enough to support a large house by itself without commercial electricity.
Solar systems, especially of that scale, generally need a permit from local authorities to be installed. In some states it’s a requirement that a system should be constructed by a certified contractor. Thus you should be prepared to hire one. Here are some tips on choosing the installer:
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