5kW Solar System

5 kW

5 kW Roof-Top Off-Grid System with String Inverter and Battery

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeRoof-top
  • System typeOff-grid
  • Inverter typeString
5 kW

5 kW Ground-Mounted Grid-Tie System with String Inverter

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeGround-mounted
  • System typeGrid-tie
  • Inverter typeString
5 kW

5 kW Roof-Top Grid-Tie System with Microinverters

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeRoof-top
  • System typeGrid-tie
  • Inverter typeMicroinverter
5 kW

5 kW Roof-Top Grid-Tie System with Microinverters and Battery Backup

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeRoof-top
  • System typeGrid-tie
  • Inverter typeMicroinverter
5 kW

5 kW Roof-Top Grid-Tie System with String Inverter

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeRoof-top
  • System typeGrid-tie
  • Inverter typeString
5 kW

5 kW Roof-Top Hybrid System with String Inverter and Battery

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeRoof-top
  • System typeHybrid
  • Inverter typeString
5 kW

5 kW Ground-Mounted Grid-Tie System with Microinverters

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeGround-mounted
  • System typeGrid-tie
  • Inverter typeMicroinverter
5 kW

5 kW Ground-Mounted Grid-Tie System with Microinverters and Battery Backup

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeGround-mounted
  • System typeGrid-tie
  • Inverter typeMicroinverter
5 kW

5 kW Ground-Mounted Off-Grid System with String Inverter and Battery

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeGround-mounted
  • System typeOff-grid
  • Inverter typeString
5 kW

5 kW Ground-Mounted Hybrid System with String Inverter and Battery

  • System size5kW
  • Installation typeGround-mounted
  • System typeHybrid
  • Inverter typeString

5kw solar system

Around 10% of households in the US already have solar panels and the majority of Americans strongly favor expanding use of solar power. The average size of a home solar panel system in the United States of America is 5-6 kW. If you don't want to waste time picking the panels and the right equipment for them yourself, we offer complete 5kw solar panel kits for sale that are ready for installation.

Solar system generates energy to power your appliances during the daytime. However, with a grid-tie installation you can also use the energy from the commercial grid. You can also pump excess energy from panels into the grid, and the utility will grant you credits for it to pay your bills for night energy consumption. This is called net metering and this is the main way in which a solar panel system brings you money.

A 5 kw solar system in the US generally pays for itself in 6-8 years. However, the ROI depends on electricity prices in your area, number of peak sun hours and net metering policy in the state. For instance, the average number of peak sun hours in California is at around 5.6, whereas in New York it’s closer to 3.5. Thus a 5kW solar system in Los Angeles is going to produce around 30 kWh of energy per day and pay for itself in 4-5 years. However, the ROI of a system in New York can be pretty fast as well: although it’s not going to produce as much power, electricity rates there are higher.

While the 5 kwh solar system is usually used as a grid-tie installation, it can be a great solution for a house in a remote location where there are no power lines. By adding batteries, you can ensure energy supply during night hours and on cloudy days, not to mention complete independence from utility companies. However, a 5kw solar system with battery backup price is going to be higher than the standard grid-tie option.

5kw solar system cost

Solar panels have been continuously getting cheaper in the last 10 years and lost around 80% of their cost since 2010. The US government and utility companies encourage people to go solar and even offer incentives to make the switch to solar easier for citizens. The biggest incentive we have is Solar Tax Credit: in 2022 you can get 26% of your installation cost back through taxes.

So how much is a 5kw solar system? Today it can come at around $7,000-12,000 after taking into account Solar Tax Credit. A decade ago you could pay over $15,000 and up to $20,000 for the system of the same capacity, not to mention that the panels were less efficient back then and thus the installation would require much more space. However, 5kw solar system prices may vary drastically, depending on the design. Grid-tie system is the cheapest option, hybrid is slightly more expensive and the necessity for batteries makes off-grid installation a bit pricey as well.

The price of 5kw solar system heavily depends on the panels and especially their brand. If you are looking for the cheapest option possible, you want to get your hands on panels from Chinese manufacturers, such as Trina, JA, Jinko Solar. The motto of these brands is to make PV modules as inexpensive and as efficient as possible. North American manufacturers, such as Canadian Solar, Aptos and Mission Solar offer panels for a medium price. Finally, there are brands that offer premium-class PV models: REC, Panasonic, LG, Solaria. Their panels stand out in one way or another, they come with superb warranties, but they do cost a lot.

Grid-tie installations are the cheapest ones, whereas hybrid systems at least require a special high-tech inverter that sometimes has a built-in battery. A 5kw off grid solar system price is going to heavily depend on batteries. Lead-acid energy storage is cheap but it’s not very modern. Lithium-ion batteries show the highest efficiency, great longevity and depth of discharge but they are a bit pricey.

What 5kw solar kit includes

  • Solar panels. We offer monocrystalline modules from top brands from all over the world — no counterfeit products. Generally, a 5 kilowatt solar system has 12-18 panels that are from 300 to 400 Watts in power output.
  • Inverter. You can go for a standard string inverter or you can choose microinverters that are more efficient and sturdier but more expensive as well. Microinverters go right on top of solar panels and convert DC to AC on the spot.

These are essential parts of a grid-tie 5kw solar power system. However, when going for an off-grid option you’ll also need:

  • Batteries. Generally, you want to have an energy bank of such a capacity that will be able to support your house for at least one day.
  • Charge controller. Regulators greatly increase the lifespan of your battery.

Please note that 5kw solar panel kits include only the minimum amount of wires. The size and length of cables and wires that you need may vary greatly, depending on your circumstances and there isn't a solution to every possible case. When in doubt, consult with your installer about the type, size and length of cables and wires that you need.

A solar panels 5kw kit also doesn’t include racking and mounting, which again depends on your situation. You can look up mounting and racking equipment in a special section of our website.

Don’t forget that your roof has to be examined before the installation and you’ll most likely need a permit to put solar panels on your roof. Generally solar contractors handle all sorts of paperwork associated with the installation. A 5,000 kwh solar system may take from several weeks to a month and a half to install. An experienced solar installer can put a solar system on the top of your house without interfering with your daily life too much.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right system size?
Your utility bills contain the energy consumption data for your home. All you need to do is divide the daily figure by the number of peak sun hours in your area. The result will be a gross estimate of a system size needed to offset 100% of your energy needs. Please refer to our article on sizing solar panel systems for more detailed instructions.
How do I know if a system is good for my house?
You can browse through our catalog and pick a system with desired power output and functionality. Our engineer with 20+ years of experience will adapt it based on the information you provide. He will take into account your location, roof pitch, house orientation and other factors. You don’t need to know a single thing about solar – we will support you at every stage.
Which system (grid-tie, off-grid or hybrid) will work for me the best?
It is impossible to give a good recommendation without knowing any details, but we can share the general principles. A grid-tie system is the standard choice: it is the most affordable and lets you take advantage of net metering. You need an off-grid system if the grid is unavailable or full independence is desired. A hybrid system is a mix of the two, performing equally well with and without a grid connection. You can find a more nuanced take on the difference among the three types in our article.
Does a solar system include all that is needed for installation?
Yes, our systems include absolutely all components. You won’t need to buy any extra parts to install it and start generating power.
Will you install the solar panel system for me?
Currently we do not provide installation services. You will need to contact an independent solar installer.
Do you offer a warranty for your solar panel systems?
All components of our systems come with a manufacturer’s warranty. We also stand behind the work of our engineers who configure the systems and guarantee full compatibility.
How can I get my system?
We work with the top freight carriers like XPO, FedEx, ODFL, R&L, etc. We also offer a free pickup option so that our clients could get the equipment cheaper and faster. Note that pickup is dependent on the availability of equipment in our fulfillment centers, and may not be feasible in your location.
Do deliveries of solar panel systems take longer?
We deliver our systems as fast as the rest of our equipment. Typically it takes 5 to 7 days.
Do you have all the displayed systems in stock?
Yes, we offer full transparency and update the availability of items in real time.
What is the benefit of buying a solar panel system compared to buying all the equipment element by element?
Our systems are configured by an engineer with more than 20 years of experience. We will adapt the kit to your conditions and ensure compatibility.
Does a solar panel system come with a plan or a manual?
The equipment manufacturers normally provide user manuals for their products. These can be accessed via our website or the official websites of the respective manufacturers. Aside from that, we do not provide any other materials, but we're ready to consult you along the way.

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